We all need hobbies. Otherwise...we end up watching t.v. for a ridiculous amount of hours and accomplishing nothing. I have many hobbies...trying not to forget French (I talk to myself in French sometimes), guitar, writing songs/poetry, road trips (I'm due for one), and there are many more. I have now developed a new hobby, and I must say...I'm enjoying it.
You see, 2 days ago I didn't know how to use a sewing machine. 2 days ago I didn't know what a bobbin was, let along how to thread one. 2 days ago I didn't know the speed of the needle was control by the pressure one puts on the pedel. But today? Oh today, sewing has officially become a new hobby of mine. Now I'm not the bomb just yet...but I can make a mean pillow. Check out my first creations....
I don't have a lot of spare time BUT when I get a free day, I'm gonna attempt to tackle the following...
I will never buy another pillow...