Oh me? Well, let's see...hmmm...oh yea..SCHOOL. My entire life is school, and when I'm not at school, I'm at work. But don't worry, I'm not complaining. This schedule keeps me focused. I don't have too much time for foolishness, which is a good thing.
Ok so a couple of weeks ago I went to California for a prayer conference. I know right!! a PRAYER conference. After I bought the ticket I was excited, but then I was like...Anjelica? Did you really just buy a plane ticket to freakin California to pray and wear super long skirts?! Yup, I sure did. My friend Courtney was my friend under 40 who went. Everyone else was pretty much 40 and up (I can't tell you why my friends are so much older than me...but I don't mind. I'd opt for 40 year old wisdom over 20 year old attitude any day). Hey Deidre, Wendy, Deborah, Anita!! **group pic coming soon**
So we get to Cali and this lady who went by the name of "Motha Hall" picked us up from the airport. My first impression of Mother Hall? H.O.L.Y. She had on brown low heel shoes, brown tights, a brown skirt to her ankles...I'm talkin straight out the holiness church! LOL By the end of the trip I LOVED Mother Hall. I miss her so much. She loved to share her wisdom and she loved to laugh and she loved God...fa real y'all.

So anyway, me and Courtney shared a room, and the 40+ plus club shared a room. Let me tell you, I never thought Courtney and I would end up being good friends...but would ya look at God. I've known her for like 4-5 years, and only in the last like 4-5 months have we really gotten to know each other. God knows whats best...and when.
(That's Courtney to the right...I believe this is her debut in my blog...I think, but I'm not finna go back and check, so let's just say it is and welcome her Amen?)

I can't really explain all that happened during the conference except my life was changed. I don't have the words. I have never been around people who were so hungry for God. I met this lady (Teresa) who plays keys for the church. She is the business. She plays bass too, and is so into music as worship. Pastor Tamara Bennett actually taught about travailing, and it was one of the most profound week-ends of my life. I don't see anything the same anymore. I know that doesn't tell you much, but I'd really have to sit down and talk to you about all that transpired. Blogger just won't cut it. Just know...I don't care how holy you wanna call me...it does not matter. I loved every second. It only grew my desire for God, and I'm trying every day to keep that. ("be it unto me...")
So, as some of you may (or may not) know, I have been praying for my mother for a long time. I was her to find her place in God, and not try to fit in the world. My mother is amazing. Her heart is soooo big. She's gorgeous. I love her, but I want so much more for her. She did an amazing job raising two BAD kids by herself, she managed to own a beautiful home, then she was courageous enough to leave everything she knew and take a chance to reach for fulfillment. I have since learned that it's not about where you are in the world that makes the difference, it's about where you are in God. I used to worry about her right through there, but nowadays I see God working so quickly, and mending a heart the world spent years breaking. My mom is on her way home...praise the LORD!
Ok, so back to the 40+ club. I have always loved chillin around older people. Back home I was pretty much around my grandmother and her friends all the time. Older people have such a substance when they talk. It's like they realize how valuable words are, and so they don't waste them. I have a horrible habit of talking (good thing I'm gonna be a counselor huh?). I've learned over time that silence can be just as valuable as talking. I am able to look to my older and wiser friends, and go to them with things I couldn't tell any of my other friends. I value them more then they know, but of course I can't show or tell them that...it's already weird enough that I chill with people 20-30 years my senior on a regular basis. At this point in my life I realize that at 22, I don't know a lot of things. So...I've decided to willingly put myself in a position to learn.
Oh yea...so the COUNTDOWN. 10 months. 10 months and I will have a Master's degree. What does that mean? #1. I can be a professional counselor. I'm not really worried about this whole economy and job market thing. I never claimed to be a part of this recession anyway. #2. I can start on my doctorate. #3. Possible another move? Who knows...where ever school, the job market, and God calls (not in that order)...I'll go. So won't you start the countdown with me saints??? 10....
YOU KNOW WHAT?! I haven't done a word of the day in sooo long. Well folks the word of the day: Consistency.
~Father help me to keep moving, going deeper in you. Consistent in my walk, and not distracted by side shows.