You changed my world to capture my heart
When I was not concerned with your will
You broke me of my own....
~These are just a few words that I had swirling around in my head.
I just got back from an AMAZING time in Chicago. We had a great time. Along with our time
with Pastor Niecy, I got to meet and chat with Kimberly Ray (LOVE HER!!), pray and sing and chill with Tanya Ray (LOVE HER!!), and meet, greet, and eat with several other amazing people.

(Tanya Ray)
We arrived in Chicago Friday morning and at once began to act a fool (Courtney and I that is).
(Pastor Niecy)

spare my feelings because she doesn't want to see me being held back by anything, so if it means a feeling here or there is hurt, or I'm out of my pretty little comfort zone, so be it. All I can say is I love her. On our last day there we were eating at this place called Leona's (Praise God for CHICAGO ITALIAN FOOD) I asked her when it was that she began to really live for Christ. She said she was 16. She also said she wishes that she hadn't wasted so much time (as if age 16 wasn't super young to be sold out for Christ). Then she just began to talk about her love for God and the tough Pastor Niecy literally started to cry talking about how much she loved God. I will never forget that moment...ever. I love my G.M. Pastor Niecy!
The last dinner was kind of funny. So in case you didn't know...I LOVE Whitney Houston. I'm sitting at this table across from people who believe in a 100% holy lifestyle and a Whitney Houston video comes on. And not just ANY video, but How Will I Know. Automatically, I start to do a little jig. Not on purpose, its just my natural reaction to Whitney Houston. lol And this small action of mine began one of the most interesting conversations of my life.
Sitting with from Pastor Niecy and three three other members of her church, I pose the question; "Y'all don't listen to secular music?" The question was later expanded to going to movies, watching tv for entertainment, etc. I'm probably gonna write a whole blog just on this conversation, but in short, Pastor Niecy explained it like this; it's not a sin or anything to go to movies and all of that, but if she sees something as being unproductive in terms of building up the kingdom of God, it's pointless. I understood her point of view. I personally enjoy going to the movies and certain secular artists, however I do understand that our purpose is not to be entertained, but to dedicate our lives to the cause of Christ; to be living sacrifices.
In Decem
ber of 2008 I made the decision to cut out music that is blatantly against what I know the Lord represents. Although I had a secret love for Lil Wayne and Drake, I've had to cut them out, and it's not because I don't think they're not talented. They both have a peculiar way of expression, however, they do not represent God in any way, shape or form. So the ladies with whom I was eating had that same mindset, only it expanded to a more broad spectrum of entertainment. They did say that they watch some t.v., movies, etc., however not a lot because they are so submerged in their lives with God that they simply don't have that kind of time to waste.

(Pastor Kimberly Ray)
I really needed this trip. Before I left, I knew that I was more on fire for God then I had ever been. Now, a few days later, you know what? I am more on fire for God then I have ever been! LOL Every comfort, every material thing, even every relationship is nothing compared to the comfort, love, and compassion that my Father has given me. I live to make Him happy. I live to be available to Him. Every morning I wake up and I want to be closer to God than I was the day before. I want to hear Him more clearly. I want a greater level of faith. I believe I said this in an earlier blog, but this year I want that "walk on water" type of faith. No joke; "unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Alright, so I'm still working on me. Who knew with they signed up for this Christian walk that it would take so much trial, error, tears, late nights, brokenness, periods of isolation, etc. I sure didn't know. But now that I know how steep the requirements can be, I'm also aware of how worth it He is. I am full of faults and inconsistencies...FULL. However everyday I'm learning that the God who grants me grace each day is willing to work on me if I am willing to work with Him.
I was talking with a friend the other day, just trying to encourage her about a mistake that she had made and was still feeling guilty and condemned 3 years later. In encouraging her, I encouraged myself. I was telling her that nothing we do can surprise God. He knows every unclean thing that resides in our hearts. He knows what we've managed to hide from everyone else. And in knowing all of that, He still chooses to make available His grace and forgiveness, if only we'd ask Him and decide to walk in His light (1 John 1:7). I realized something in that conversation, and that is every feeling of guilt, failure, etc. can be washed away with a deeper revelation of His grace. The Lord delights in forgiving us, but we first must come to Him, ready and willing to receive it.
I just wanna make you happy/I just wanna make you smile/I just wanna make you proud that I'm your child
~My Father's child