Monday, April 5, 2010

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Hey peoples,

I don't really have much to say other than God is sooo faithful. No matter what you will ever face, when God makes a promise, He WILL fulfil it!

I am grateful!

I went to think night of straight up WORSHIP in Spring Hill. It was called the Awakening. I LOVED IT!!!! AHHH Basically we were probably there for maybe 3 hours or so and the entire night was full of worship and praying for one another. At one point we teamed up with someone we did not know and prayed for one another. I ended up with a lady named Tracy. I have never met her before, but I quickly learned that she is the BOMB. I gave her my prayer request and she truly came out of herself and began to pray heaven DOWN! She was so sweet and I could tell that she loved God and that was it. You know how you meet someone and you don't really have to wonder about their motives or whatever, you just know by the spirit that they are one of the Saints. That's what it was like for me when I met Tracy. So anyway she prayed for me, and I prayed for was great!

Then we worshiped and a lady (I think her name was Monica, the facilitator of The Awakening) got up on the mic and just began to pray and call upon God, and then she called this lady up to the front. This lady was just another attendee of The Awakening. Monica then began to pray and prophesy over this lady and it was wonderful. It was such a spirit of freedom and openness for the spirit of God to move however He wanted to. After that lady sat down (well actually, she fell out, but they picked her up and took her back to her chair) Monica looked in my direction, pointed to me and said...."you, come here. Come on up." Now you know my heart stopped right? LOL

Side note: This isn't the first time this has happened to me, and I'm beginning to wonder like...Lord, whats UP??! lol

So anyway, Monica began to pray and just speak what she heard God saying, and another guy came up and do the same. It was an amazing experience because although everything that was said was like confirmation and encouragement about what I'm currently going through. I love when God just comes with the right word at the right time, even if it's just to say..."I am your God, and I am still here with you." God doesn't have to say anything profound. I've found out that it's enough to know that He is still with me. Psalm 39 says no matter where I am, the Lord is there. He was using this night to just remind me that He is still here with me, and that I need to keep fighting and reaching for Him, regardless of whats popping up around me.

After they were done speaking over me, Tracy came back up. I was confused because she didn't say anything. So I thought I was done, and I started to go back to my seat. Well they called me BACK up there because Tracy had a song she wanted to sing over me. It was AMAZING!! It wasn't a song that I've ever heard. It didn't even sound like it was coming from Tracy. It was like Tracy was not even conscious of the words she was singing, but she was at that moment, a vessel. I've never experienced anything like that before, and all I could do was close my eyes and receive.

For the next hour I worshipped. I don't know what was going on around me. God is amazing. Then Beckah Shae (I met her a few weeks earlier at Abba's Heart) came up to me and gave me a wonderful word of encouragement. I love people who step out and commit their lives to being a messenger for the Lord.

I'm learning slowly but surely that God uses people at different times to minister to you in different ways, but at the end of the day our job is to learn from them and receive what God had for you in that relationship to receive, and remain in God's embrace. Whether or not that relationship lasts forever or a week, there is purpose in it. I thank God for everyone that is currently in my life, and those who were but are no longer because as I said, there is purpose in it ALL.

My current focus: God. LOL Like fa real. I love my time with Him. Don't get me wrong, I love my peeps, but their is nothing like taking yourself away and being with God. I'm finding more and more that my fulfillment is so not in my relationships with other people. They are only supplemental. God is my source of EVERYTHING I will ever need. I am so grateful that the Lord had to take me through some things for me to realize that. He is faithful in that He loves us too much to leave us as we are (Thanks Max Lucado). There is nothing the Lord will not do to draw us, and no matter how uncomfortable or lonely that place may have been for me, I love the outcome!

Alright, I need to get back to work. I have too much stuff to do for school. Graduation: 8 months!!

Great is Thy makes me only want to be more faithful.

Word of the day: You guessed it...faithful.


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