Friday, November 26, 2010


Do you ever just sit and think about how our minds will never fully grasp the concept of God? I mean, we know and understand that He big and awesome and all that, but can we ever really comprehend His reach? I don't think so because its so beyond our experience and language. We can't even verbalize how great He is. He just IS!

Random abstract God thought...sorry

Haven't blogged in forever. I've been pretty busy with work and finishing up school. My new job. One word. Awesome. The money is alright for now. Can't beat the schedule. I don't have to sit in an office all day...or in one place for that matter. I get to work with kids that society has pretty much set up and declared a failure.

Kids who deal with mental disorders on top of dealing with the simple fact of being a kid= my heroes. I work with kids everyday, ages 5 and up who struggle with trying to be like everyone else. No one understands that they think different. No one gets why they can't seem to put a cap on their emotions. No one cares that feel isolated even when in a crowd. Everyone just wants them to sit down and blend in. Stop halting the progress of society. These children happen to be some of the smartest I've ever met. The strength that they have to even continue to try to succeed after what life has dealt them makes them honorable.

I encourage all you folks to get involved some kind of way to help our kids. There are so many who don't have any kind of positive figures in their lives. So many that have been tossed to the side and doped up on medications so they won't be a "disturbance." They need you. They need someone who isn't looking for anything in return. They need a mentor to take them out. Talk to them. Understand them. Pour into them the kinder things of life because when many of them go home, they experience the worst things life has to offer. Volunteer for the Boys and Girls Club. Local church mentoring programs. Big Brothers Big Sisters. DO something!

They are my heros, and I pray that I serve them well.


Current song thats pullin on my heart strings ♥

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