Today I woke up at 5:30 am which normally I'd be rather pissed about, but I went to bed at like 10:30 last night. The plan was I'll be in bed by 9:30 because I needed to catch up on some serious sleep. So after class I jetted to the store to pick up some thangs and then home to watch Grey's Anatomy. I was 15 minutes late!!! ughhh!! But Sophie came to the rescue and caught me up on what I'd missed. Ok...last week Grey's was the freaking worst, but they have been redeemed. So I watched it over the phone with Sophie and at 9 I planned on getting ready for bed. THEN the preview for Private Practice looked the bomb (some crazy woman cut open this other women to steal her unborn baby) so me and Soph were like..."dangit...I guess we'll be watching this too."
Okay, so about 10:30 I said goodnight to the correspondences I'd been keeping and shut out the world. I had the craziest dream!! You know what...I've had that dream twice now, but they've differed just a bit. I'm talking to the same woman about the same thing, only this one was longer and the conversation covered a bit more. hmm....
I woke up at 5:30 like I said, got up at 6:07, left the house at 6:30, was 4 minutes late to work, and felt on top of the world. Why you might ask? Well let me tell you. I heard one of my favorite songs on the way to work. It's called Jesus by Jeremy Camp. If you have not heard it...you need to. It's crazy simply, not a lot of words, not a lot of chords, but it says so much. The whole song is about how you can have anything I have, EVERYTHING I have....just give me Jesus.
When I'm lonely, give me Jesus
When I die, give me Jesus
Man this song is so deep and simple at the same time. This is something I believe every Christian needs to learn and understand. I believe God takes us through soooo much just so we can get this one point. The world is crazy, and it can offer us a lot of things. Let's be real. The church is always talking about how the world has nothing to offer and this and that, but you know what...the world be looking reeeaalll attractive sometimes. I mean all of the "right now" comforts the world can and will give you if you would only compromise your relationship with God. Not your whole relationship, just parts of it. Is that not how we think?
"well, I'll do this, but I won't do that" but you know "this" ain't no different than "that."
But this simple song is just saying keep eeeeverything this world has to offer. GIVE ME JESUS!! Now if this song is not a declaration of an uncompromising heart...!
Today I am so thrilled just to be living right alongside my living savior. So many people don't know Jesus as their savior. The other day I was talking to a family member back home who out of pure disrespect for me and God proceeded to tell me how this "God mess" is purely for money making purposes, which might I add he is taking full advantage of. First off that made me mad. I was offended dangit!! But I didn't really react. I didn't say much of anything after that. That was probably a great time to minister, but I didn't. After my defensiveness subsided all I could feel was compassion for this individual. He did not know God. So when he is alone, he is really alone. And when he is sick, he is really sick because he doesn't know that Jesus is a comforter and a healer. To him, Jesus is a paycheck. To so many Jesus is a paycheck. A way to take advantage of unfortunate individuals who are looking for a solution for their pain and frustration that has yet to be found.
So even though that is sooo freakin sad, that so many don't actually who God is and what He did for us, it makes me so much more enthused that I do! I am learning who God is more and more everyday, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Distractions come. Drama comes. Pain and frustration come. But its all just a ploy to get us to take our eyes and our hearts away from learning of God. But at the end of the day man...you can take all that drama and frustration. You can even takes all the money and fame in the world, give me my Jesus, who after everything falls ways and no one is left standing by your side, He's still there.
You can have all this world/Give me Jesus
On another note, what the heck am I gonna do with my life?? LOL I mean ok...recently I've been looking into working for a holistic health care company. If I do get the job I'll be traveling, A LOT, and make a wonderful salary. OR I could pursue music, which is my lifelong passion. Actually not just music, but worship through music. OR I could take the route of academia and work my way up the ladder of professing professionals. UGH!! Can't I just do it all??! I mean who the heck said you had to pick something and stick to only that. I'm not interested in doing the same thing for the rest of my life. PLUS with this economy, it sounds like a great idea to have interests in several different areas that produce some kind of income. SO, because I can't decide, I won't decide. If I get the job in holistic health care I'll do that and make some greenery. If I continue to write, sing, and play, I'll do that too. And I'll obviously continue in school. So yea, why decide when you don't have to??
BTW I took a test on Monday, Tuesday, and I have one next week too. This is starting to get real. UGH I hate when school gets real. Can't we just sit and listen to each other and learn about the different schools of thought with having to reiterate them on paper??? Well our education system says no, so on that note, I really need to read.
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