Sunday, July 18, 2010

Who is this king of Glory?

Life up your head oh ye gates
And be ye lifted up you everlasting doors
That the King of glory may come in
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts
He is the King of Glory

Psalm 24

Well there is a lot of good things going on in my life right now. And all I can say is that I'm chalking it up to having the joy of the Lord; my strength (Nehemiah 8).

I am learning something that I wish I would have learned a long time ago, and something that some people never learn. I'm learning to be happy with Jesus. There is nothing I want more in this world than Jesus. I know that if I can just get to Him, my problems will be so small. If I can just get to Him my fears and hurts won't seem so devastating. If I can just immerse myself in thoughts of Him, my emotions won't matter, my opinions won't be so heavy, and my flesh won't be SUCH A FREAKIN ANNOYANCE! To be wrapped up in His presence. To hear Him speak. To know that no matter what happens moments from now, nothing can take away this peace and joy that the Lord has given me. Its taken me a good while to be able to say..."hey God, I know things are hard, but I love you fa real and I'm still gonna have a praise on my lips." And now that I've gotten to that point (for the most part), I don't struggle to praise much anymore. It's not a hard to get into His presence. Praying is actually enjoyable.

Problems are real. This flesh is real. However, our Father in Heaven, the King of Glory who founded the earth on the seas, has made His peace and joy available to us. Dive in. Take advantage of all the Lord is offering.

I pray that you live. I pray that whatever is plaguing your spirit will be a memory; a testimony of what the Lord has brought you through. I pray that you are able to drop your worries and fears about tomorrow, and allow God to take care of you today. I pray that those chains that were once wrapped around you, hindering you, holding you in place, are broken. I pray that you walk in the love and joy of Jesus Christ. After all, it is yours for the taking.

~My life is no longer my own~

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