Saturday, August 7, 2010

5 Dolla Fine!

I was thinkin about What's Love Got To Do With It the other day, and how me and Whitney would always walk around sayin "5 dolla fine! 5 dolla fine!" I was walking the streets of my mind and determining what (to me) deserves a 5 dollar fine. So what does deserves a 5 dollar fine you ask?

Wearing socks with flip flops...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Leaving the chip bag open, creating stale chips...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Goin off on someone in Wal-mart parking lot...5 DOLLAR FINE

Goin off on someone in the church parking lot...10 DOLLAR FINE

Flight attendants serving drinks on a 20 minute flight...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Passive aggressive females...23 DOLLAR FINE!

Putting your three strands of hair in a ponytail...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Dishonesty and two-facedness...5 DOLLAR FINE + probation!!

Mismatching socks...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Dirty fingernails...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Holding grudges...5 DOLLAR FINE + a smh

Twitterbooking (using twitter lingo on facebook)...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Having a facebook page AND a grandchild...5 DOLLAR FINE!

A cursing female...5 DOLLAR FINE + looking tacky

A busted weave... 5 DOLLAR FINE + :/ + a "you know better"

Trying out for American Idol when you know you can't sing...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Driving your car with a donut tire...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Farting in an elevator...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Farting in an elevator with other people...5 DOLLAR FINE + a punch in the jugular

Pretending to be busy to avoid appearing like you have no life...5 DOLLAR FINE!

Arrive late for church and sitting in the 3rd row...45 DOLLAR FINE!

Wearing mini skirts to church...7 DOLLAR FINE!

Wearing mini skirts period...7 DOLLAR FINE!

Wearing mini skirts and you weigh over 200lbs...77 DOLLAR FINE!

Disclaimer: These weren't aimed at anyone in particular. In fact...I'm guilty of some of them (not the farting in the elevator one..thats gross). I just see these occurrences from time to time and it urks me to no end.

Part 2 coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. LOL LOL LOL -- "Wearing mini skirts period." Hil.Air.Eee.Ous.
