Monday, August 2, 2010

Freedom is so sweet!

You know what I think the sweetest thing is about being a Christian? The freedom that you experience, even when your world is at its suckiest point.

I have been on a ride for the past like...idk..year? I struggled internally with a lot of issues which I could not seem to solve. How do you rid yourself of something that you've carried your entire life? How you do you forget the damage that was already done? How do you live like you never had a past?

John 8:36:

Therefore if the Son sets you free, you really will be free
or as we more commonly recognize it...
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

This has an awesome new meaning for me. I can honestly say that when you give the Lord your heart without restraints and conditions, He can change it in a way you never imagined. The Lord has taken my broken, deceitful, and jacked up heart and erased that thing that has been plaguing me since...well, forever. I don't know if this is a result of many months of seeking God and doing my best to be obedient. Or if it happened in an instant, independent of my growing relationship with Him. Either way, the Son has set me free. And now that I'm at this place I can say that I don't think I've ever been free. Free of peoples opinions, free of second guessing, free to live for God without apologizing. I have never been this okay with who I am. Maybe that's because I'm learning that I am a product of God and a reflection of the Son, and regardless of what anyone thinks, or even what I may think, I will always be a daughter of the King.

I'm only sharing with you for two reasons. #1. We overcome by the word of our testimonies. #2. I would love for you to be so encouraged that whatever plagues you can be removed in a instant. Whatever has you worried, intrudes your thoughts, and occupies that space in your heart that no one knows about but God. Whatever causes you to cry when no one is looking, or causes you to harden your heart to numb the emotion. God can take that away so that it was just a memory. The reason I know this is because He did it for me. Yea yea...people say stuff like this all the time. "I'm a witness. WON'T HE DO IT?!" lol But honestly folks, God has remade me. A weight has been lifted and I'm walking in the land of the free! My heart is healed. My mind is set free. My love for God is ever growing. My faith is at a new level. All because God has proven Himself to be God; faithful and righteous but merciful at the same time.

Give your all to Him and He will hear you and take away what you've been trying to get rid of for so long. Whether it be jealousy, envy, pride, hatred, rejection, self consciousness, WHATEVER. Drop your disguise with God, take your mind off of people and their opinions, get away by yourself, and open your heart. He will come in and do what you've been asking Him to do.

He is faithful!

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