Monday, August 17, 2009

Drama Anyone???

You know, one thing that I hate is unnecessary drama.

Case in point:

Recently I have had to deal with some people should I say...betrayed my trust in a bad way. Now, I'm not one to hold a grudge, but this one hurt folks. But hey, when you give someone your trust I guess they're free to do with it what they want, but there is a line, and it was crossed, more than once.

My first reaction...I was hurt. A lot. I don't think I've ever been cut like that before. I mean I've been mistreated before, but this was just so unexpected. Second reaction...anger. I had to physically remove myself from the situation and chill at my moms for a quick 3am!! Crazy I know. Never in life have I wanted to beat the mess outta someone soooo bad. But then that would have made it all worse, but I wasn't thinkin that at the time. So I got on the phone and got the hell out. Third reaction...hurt mixed with anger. The following day I expressed my feelings which helped, and gave myself some room to breathe.

SO, what to do now? I've received apologies from all parties involved. The first apology I took to heart. It was sincere, or at least I believe it was (I hope I'm not making a fool outta myself by attempting to place my trust in this person again). The fact that the person didn't make it completely about how sorry he was that I was hurt, and more about a self reflection and healing from God made it all the more believable to me. Truth be told, situations arise for a reason, and we have to get from it what we were meant to. If you don't, there's not point in any of it ever happening. So I believe that apologizer 1 is taking this situation to a place where our relationship can be mended and he/she will be better from it in the end.

The next apology that followed..."Sorry that you were hurt. But it was mostly in fun. We weren't serious. You perception was worse than it really was."

Proverbs 26: 18 Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows
19 is a man who deceives his neighbor and says, "I was only joking!" He didn't stop there. He continued to say how is sucks that hopes that we can still be friends.

Now I'm not one to go and find bible verses to mold them to fit a situation or opinion, but this is plain as day. In fact, I didn't even find this...a friend randomly told me to read this. The chapter goes on to talk about how actions are a manifestation of deceit in one's heart.

I hate losing friends. It sucks...a lot!! But if I can't place my trust in you...isn't acquaintence a better word? Was it all sincere? Idk. But reading Proverbs, I'm seeing some parallels that I wish weren't there. But then again, why lose a friend when you don't have to. I haven't sat down with this person yet...this is to come.

I am no longer mad (thank you God). For the past two days I've really been praying because I know that when I'm really pissed at someone, they gets no respect. So because that is so unlike Jesus, I've been praying for a change of heart concerning this situation.

So...Is is wrong of me to not trust apologizer #2 again? I've got a funny feeling about that one...Tryna use some wisdom here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are no longer mad cause stuff like that will eat away at you. I was mos def mad for you!!! It had to be the Lord that showed us that scripture @ church yesterday cause it just appeared! As for apologizer #2.........not being mad & forgiveness are two different things. Work on forgiving her,for your own sake, but use discernment when it come to trusting her again. That goes for apologizer #1 also.
