Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do you ever have those moments and even those days where you just stop and say..."I love God SOOOO much"?? Man...I do.

This morning when I woke up (finally...let me tell you...allergy medicine takes me OUT. WHEWW Lord). Anyway, I woke up, showered, and pulled out my beauty "red" (that's my acoustic guitar). I just started to play and just FELL into worship. I have no IDEA of what I was playing. LOL I hate that...I'll play these worship songs but by the time I'm done...I can't remember what I was playing. I guess it was just a song between me and God at that moment.

These are the moments when I realize that God is sooo much bigger than I'll ever understand. I was playing and the words just began to flow. I was carrying something that I needed to let go and I just began to ask God to take it, and He did. (1 Peter 5:7). There is nothing like time with God. He will work miracles...if you just give Him the time to do it. How can we expect Him to give and give and give...and we can't even afford to take the time to say "Hey God. I love you." ??? He LOVES it when you take the time to love Him.

Today started with the potential of being just an ok day. Ya was kinda rainy and gray, and I had been worried about a few things and whatnot. Well hey...after my time in His presence this morning, as Patti Labelle would say "I'm feelin good from my head to my shoes...I've got a new attitude!" Or as the Word of God would say..."he hath put a new song in my mouth..." (Psalm 40:3).

Elastic Potential Energy: Elastic potential energy is the potential energy of an elastic object that is deformed under tension or stress.

Think about this...when we are compressed or under pressure do we not have 2 options?

#1. Break. Conclude that the pressure of circumstance "A" is too difficult to overcome. or...

#2. Catapult our faith into a new realm. Take in circumstance "A" as the reality of the situation, and then go the God's word to see what He has to say about it.

We have such elastic potential energy in times of pressure. God can use our circumstances to strengthen us and bring us into areas and levels and even dimensions that we never knew were possible for little ole you and me. I mean...right, God can speak to other people. You know those people who are always sooo deep, it's like they be talkin to God 24/7. Like they be txtn God back and forth all day or sumn. Just deep for no reason. Of course God can talk to them...they deep! Guess what?? You have that same elastic potential energy that they just have to know it. Read His Word. Talk with God. Take the time to spend with Him and then two months, 6 months, 2 years, even 3 days from now see where you are. gon be txtn God just like the deep ones. LOL Well...maybe not TXTN, but you get what I'm tryin to say.

God wants to hear from you. He's waiting to hear from you.

So what are you waiting on???

Oh yea. So Blu21...

I am sooo excited about our performance. We have two songs that we are going to perform. Lately my allergies have been actin crazy and I actually had NO voice for the past like...three days. I was freakin God...what??!! Last night was the first night I have actually been able to sing a song all the way through without my voice going out. It's still a little rough...but it's comin along. We're gonna do a song that requires some crown participation...that should be interesting LOL

My prayer is that we present ourselves as empty vessels that God and fill and use. That our words and music are not just words and music put out into the atmosphere, but that the Holy Spirit rests on each word and each note, so that it will touch the hearts of those who hear it. I pray that every word we speak will be God ordained and directed by the Holy Spirit. (1 Samuel 3:19)

cALl mE JEl

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Day in the Mind it's like 6pm and I'm at work. I'm so busy with my occupational duties right now that I'm writing a blog. job is something serious.

Today started with me waking up and feelin a bit weird. Let's see...Me, Stix, and AJ were going on a lil house hunt. Yes, ladies and gents we are looking to rent a house. At first I had mixed feelings about it...idk. It was like...I just really want to make the right move. I've had some bad experiences in the past with the choices I've made concerning housing. I moved quite a wayz away from my friends and my school about a year ago. At the time I felt like I needed to get to know God a little more and some things that were going on around me were distracting me...I allowed them to. So I moved. Since then I had a roomie that made my life a living H-E-double hockey sticks. I mean...she was so miserable that I was miserable. Folie a duex. The crazy thing one should be able to MAKE you miserable. So once I decided that I am too blessed and loved to be actin all depressed all the time...I bucked up and she didn't like it. So she moved.


Then one of my best friends thought she may be moving in and I felt cool with it immediately. I and this girl had only been close for a short period of time. I really don't know how we got all that close...but hey...I thank God for her. Yup, it's STIX! She moved in and it's been great. She is seriously one of the two best roomies I've ever had (Whit...ur the other:) I trust her. So maybe that's why I was hesitant about adding to that equation.

But I prayed about it

and got quiet about it...

and now I've got some peace about it.

I love how God places the people you need in your life. SO...AJ, STIX, and Jel aka Broadway (thanx aj!) are house hunting...and i'm pumped!!


So then the members of Blu21 (lol stix and me...I just like saying "the members of Blu21" ok??) were talkin about this next gig and we both have this heaviness about it. At first I was like...God, do you want us to do this?? I've been praying and praying and being still. I now believe that God wants us to be still so He can move. This is sooo not just "another gig." God is gonna move if we can just get out the way. So Lord..."none of me, all of you." I still feel a bit heavy, but its okay. It's not a dreadful feeling, I just know that God has a plan I'm just gonna move my lil self out the way.
OK...I've been having this issue right. I hate it when people are not honest with me. It hurts. It's like..."nope, I don't respect you enough to give you honesty, so take what I give you." I don't think that is a healthy way to look at it because as Stix spoke so elequently..."we're all liars, whether we want to admit it or not." That is sooo true, so why does it still hurt when people are not honest with me??? I hate it...I wish I just didn't care. Am I really that sensitive?? LOL I think that I just equate respect and love with honesty. Is that so warped??? I really need to get over this...let people be people.


Also...Jamaica does not appear to be in the cards for me. When I first heard about an opportunity for this mission trip to Jamaice I was excited. I wasn't like...OMG OMG OMG I"M SOOOO EXCITED!! But still...I was pretty pumped. Only...I didn't have the money to go :( So I was like...God if its in your plans for me to go...I know you'll make a way. Well weeks later, after repeating this cycle of worrying, letting go and letting God, worrying, letting go and letting God, I've arrived. It doesn't look like I'm going...and that's okay. More than anything...I want to be where my Father wants me. So Lord, if ya want me there, there is where I'll be. Stix and Whit Whit are goin and I'm sooo excited!! I'm super excited for Whit because I want for her to get outta TN so bad cuz I know thats what she wants. She's bigger than her environment. (I'll have to tell you about Whit a little later...and trust me...there's plenty to tell LOL). I'm excited for Stix because this is going to give her an opportunity to be a leader and a minister. She's gonna come back changed! Thank you God. My first time out of the U.S., I was changed. My eyes were so much bigger when I came back. It's gonna be that and sooo much more for them because this is not JUST a a mission, an opportunity to spread the Gospel and fellowship with like-minded God-loving people. I'm so grateful for them.


I just finished the most amazing book ever..."The Secret Place." It changed me. It's hard to describe..but it made me want to be closer to God. So throughout that book I would pray, read, pray, read, pray, read, pray. That book spoke so much was filled with the word of God and it forced you to reference it. I love reading about how others become closer to God cuz I'm like...dang...God I want you to talk to me like that. I'm tellin you...amazing. I have also been reading the book of Revelation and finished it on the same day as I finished The Secret Place. God really speaks to me through His words. He knows that I am an intellectual and can be all too logical, so He puts it in black and white right before my eyes...He knows me(Psalm 139:1-5)

So...this is all that went on in my head today...and it's only like 6:45. I wonder the next 5 hours will bring.

Until next time,

CaLl Me jeL

Saturday, May 23, 2009

BLAAHHH's summer vacation. Most students are ridiculously happy when it comes time for summer vacation; no class, the pool is open, it's pretty freakin hot, it's time for short-shorts, road trips, yada yada yada...

Well all of this is true for my summer vacation as well...but i'm just not that excited about it. I'm working a lot which is good, cuz I have a radical credit card bill that I have to pay off. WAIT...before you jump to the conclusion that I am an irresponsible spender; just know...I'M NOT. I was feeling generous and a few members of my family were in need of some things. Now I don't see it as generous as much as foolish. HEY! I'm learning to say "no" okay? In fact, I'm waiting for the next time one of the fam asks me for something out of my reach, just so I can test my own self. i will say no i will say no i will say no i will say no i will say no

AND then there's this mission trip to Jamaica that several people from my church are going on and I sooo wanna go. At the beginning I was like..heck yea, I'M GOIN'. Well, things are looking a little differently. I'm not getting the support that I thought I would get, and I'm a little discouraged about that. Well, at first I was a lot discouraged. Nope...I was pissed. Ladies and gentlemen, I was freakin livid. But now...I'm not so much pissed as a little disappointed. I have come to the conclusion that I just want to be where God wants me to be. If He wants me in Jamaica, that is where I'll be. If He wants me right here in TN, that's where I'll be (I just got a really weird case of deja vu lol). If He wants me in Iowa (Please Lord, anywhere but there), that is where I HAVE to go. I just need to be where He wants me to be. Gotta be in His will, ya know???



Have I told you about our 2nd gig? Yup, we have another one. Its May31st at Mt. Zion in Spring Hill, TN. I'm so excited. Its at a youth worship night. All I can see is God moving in that place. I love the thought of being able to lead people my age and younger into worship! I see Stix and I just playin and worshipping and God coming down and touching and changing lives, and people having a different type of experience with God. I want our music to do just that...usher people into a new place with God. I think that's what God wants from Blu21 because as of lately, He has been shakin some stuff me at least, can't speak for stix. People and things that I depended on have bended a bit...and I am realizing that although God wants me to be able to be open with people, that is an action of trusting Him, and not people. I have to trust God enough to allow myself to be open with others. SO...He's called some things about myself to my attention. Instead of being mad when situations and people don't turn out the way I want them to, I'm learning that it was all for the purpose of learning how to STILL trust God, regardless of how everything turns out.

Wheeeewww, major tangent. Ok, BLU21

I cannot wait until the 31st, but we still have some work to do. We're not sure of what songs we are performing. I have no idea what I'm wearing. We have this BLU21 graphic that is pretty cool. Everyone that has seen it loves we may make that into a shirt...I already have 2 buyers!!! AND we need business cards and a press release. Okay, this is now seeming like a lot. I just need to pray LOL.

Thank you God for the opportunity to express my love for you through worship

Help us to be open, so that you can speak your words through us

Let our listeners hear only you, and not us

Holy spirit, remind us that our gifts are for the glory of God

Continue to mold me so that my heart is perfect toward you


CaLl Me Jel

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Serenity in a Storm: A Journey of PURE WORSHIP


Okay. So...I woke up this morning after a long night. Actually I woke up this morning after a long few weeks.

Lately I have been feeling....strange. I have been so restless. It's kinda like when you are anticipating something (like a trip for example). You're excited and anxious and maybe a little nervous about it all at the same time. That's how I have been feeling for quite a while now. I've felt like I'm about to go on a trip...but where am I going?

I recently graduated from college and completely changed my social role with so many different people in my life. I am also working more with Blu21. So yup, you can say that things are changing. How do you keep from feeling so restless and anxious in the midst of all that is shifting and shaking? (Haggai 2:6,7)

*I am so grateful that God shakes me and my environment, because through it all I come out tried and better; stronger in faith. Nope, it hasn't been comfortable, but I know that at the other end I will be closer to the one who made the heavens and the earth.

So back to this morn...

I woke up, got up, put on some sweats, grabbed by bible and my guitar and headed out. I wanted to find some biking or walking trails that would not be too busy at 8 in the morn. So guess what??? I found some biking or walking trails that weren't busy at 8 in the morn (lol.) I parked my truck and began walking on a mtn biking trail. Let me tell you...I was jumpin over streams and mud holes and tree limbs. All I could think at first was...I could fa real get lost up in here. SO I only took right turns when there was a decision to make and prayed that would be an answer to this bidirectional dilemma. When first beginning this mtn. bike trail I was a bit overwhelmed by the bugs and spider webs and dirt...basically on any normal day I would not have been able to do this...but today I was seeking God and this place felt like peace. It was like a calmness came over me and I was enjoying every bit of that trail. Every sound was like hearing God...His creative works were everywhere! I was slick giddy...but hey, when you know God is walking right there with you, that He is everywhere you turn, you have a right to be giddy :)

While walking God took me to Isaiah 52..nope, read it for yourself. But just know that "the Lord goes before you, and the God of Israel guards behind you." There is no reason to ever fear.

After I made my way back (after a few minutes of being sure that I was completely lost!) I started back to my truck only to find that my quiet little undiscovered spot of God and nature was populated by other people!! arrgghh, how rude! LOL I guess it was really MY spot. Before I left got to my truck it was like God was saying "sing to me." hmmmm...okay God. So I started my truck and began looking for a quieter spot. I really didn't want to put on a show for all those people. I wanted to be alone with God and WOOO-WEEE LORD did I find the PERFECT spot.

Rippling lake water glistening with the light of the sun, cool shade provided by old, towering trees, soft winds like a whisper, birds singing, fluttering butterflies of every color...basically, it was a spot God made just for me at that moment.

PURE WORSHIP is all I can say. I could share with you what God told me at that moment, when I openned my heart to Him, when I closed my own eyes and saw with His eyes, when I quieted my spirit, but I won't. I want you to find your own spot and worship God in your own way. Open your heart, close your eyes, quiet your spirit.




~cALl Me jeL

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Graduation Experience: Beauty for Ashes

SO I have graduated from college!!!

I have not really publicized the fact that I was graduating because...well, I'm not sure. It's not that I wasn't happy about it. But I wasn't feeling that excitement that most college graduates feel. I have had to make some really tough decisions lately about my present life and future, and on top of that, family drama still remains, and on top of that I have felt so worn and stretched these past weeks or maybe even months. I wanted to be as thrilled as other people seemed to be for me, but I wasn't.

A few weeks before graduation my grandmother and I had planned for her to come down (she lives 700 miles away) and attend. I haven't seen her in a year and I miss her sooo much. I may have been more excited to see her than to have been graduating. SO I was thrilled when I finally found her a non-stop flight after what was almost a month of ticket browsing. A week before her flight she tells me that she can't go. I won't go into the reasons why, but I was devastated. The night I found out, Stix and I went to this concert and I could barely hear the music because I was so sad. I wasn't going to see my grandma. I wanted to cry. I did cry. I cried and cried and cried.

"Your family probably won't be there for some of your biggest moments," someone told me. WHAT?!! Why the heck not?!! These are the people I want to share these moments with. Okay, so not my whole family, but my grandma at least. I wanted her to be there so bad. So after being depressed about the thing for the night, I got up the next day and said "hey. She's not gonna be there. You're still graduating. Keep going."

As the days drew nearer I still was not feeling extremely excited, but more so than before. The night before graduation I went to an event called Prophetic Activation and LOVED IT. I prayed and prayed and received a prophesy that was so on point I couldn't believe it. It was so deep and real to me that for a moment I could not even stand. I sat and just listened to God as the tears flowed.

You know what?! I have cried more over the past 4 weeks than I may have cried in my entire life! What is goin on?!

Anywayz, I just sat and listened to God speak. I can't believe how my love for Him has grown. It went from loving Him because I was suppose to, to loving Him because He is so good, to loving Him because He is God and He is everything and He is all that I will ever need and He is all that you will ever need.

Whooo, thank you God!

So after I left Prophetic Activation the ladies (MSK) decided to come over for a bit. I was on the phone when I walked in and everyone was already there. I was talking to my mom and it was like everyone got quiet so I was slick trying to get her off the phone. I sat down on the chair of this $30 couch (yes honey, $30 LOL) and had to do a DOUBLE TAKE. These beautiful women of God had graduation gifts laid out for me all over that couch and balloons and cards. I could NOT believe it.

I had been feeling soo bad because I could not seem to be as excited for this event as they were, and I felt ashamed to feel like that. I mean, everyone does not get this opportunity. Everyone does not walk across that stage. How dare I NOT feel anything but overwhelming joy and gratefulness! SO to look over and see that they looked past all of that and celebrated me and loved on me...!! I wanted to cry. I couldn't even read to cards because I didn't want to sit there and cry in front of everyone. So I smiled through my fullness and thanked everyone through my state of being overwhelmed. They have no idea what that did for me.

After a while they all left to get food and I read each of those cards...TWICE. Yup, I cried. See?! That's why I didn't read them in front of everyone. I KNEW that was gonna happen. When they told me all they had to go through to get all of that done, I could NOT believe it.

Whitney (someone I call a true friend and sister. Luv ya Whit!) told me that when they were looking for these specific items, they refused to settle. They found every color pump except for the color they knew I wanted and they KEPT looking!! She said they kept saying that they would not do this for anyone but me. Even now I am overtaken with the simple and complicated fact that the Lord has blessed me with the most beautiful group of young ladies as, sisters. I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I still can't believe you all did that. It was the biggest could have given me a hint or sumn lol.

In fact, let me tell you a lil bit of what they did;

I did not have a graduation outfit. I did not have the energy and time to shop for an outfit for graduation. On my $30 couch laid a black and white strapless dress, yellow pumps, and yellow earrings (among other gifts and cards). They took the time to care.


Some of my family came down, but I have to say that over all, the ladies of MSK showing me how much they cared made my entire graduation experience. I will never forget it and I thank God for each of you.

Shout out to Mimi: Your knowledge and stories over the years continue to reveal new things to me as I grow. Your words are timeless, as they speak new things to me as I come to know more about more and the one I love; God.

Shout out to Tamara: Knowing you has made me better. God is showing me so much about myself through your words and your actions. You make me want to know HIM more. One day I'll find the courage to actually tell you what you've done...but you KNOW I hate to cry :)

What can I say? God has favored me beyond belief. Beyond what I could have asked for.

Word of the day: (Actually folks, this is gonna be a phrase of the day):
God had NO LIMITS. I don't care what your natural eyes may see; God can make everything out of nothing. He can turn your gray sky into straight up blinding sunlight.

Beauty for Ashes Isaiah 61:3

CaLl Me JeL

Friday, May 8, 2009

Blu21: Gig.1

Okay, so by the title I'm sure you've guessed the topic of this blog. Yup..our first gig.

Now we've played for people before, but it was for friends/family/people we knew. Our first first time playing in front of a group of people was at a My Sister's Keeper (an awesome ministry by the way) event. This time was different; we didn't know the people in front of whom we were playing.We weren't too nervous...although we did have our moments. We kepts saying this is for God...we are not playing to impress people, although you still want people to enjoy it.

When we first got up there Stix started talkin in the mic while I set up. I was impressed. She was simply saying how Blu21 is about simple, pure worship. One thing she said that I loved was whether or not we are asked to perform, we will still perform for God in our apartment as we've been doing.

You betta say that STIX!!

We played God I Love You and it was pretty darn awesome. Then we finished the first song and it was my turn to talk. I basically just talked about what it means to be broken before God. I said that my prayer was that God breaks me and empties me so that He can make me again and fill me so that I can fulfill His purpose for my life (Psalm 51:17). Then we began to play Broken. For me and Stix, last night was so much fun, but it was also a worship experience. We got a chance to show God how we love Him in the form of public worship.

My prayer before getting on the platform was that I forget who was there and remember God. I was singing for Him. I wanted HIM to break and and make me whole again. I wanted HIM to heal a damaged heart. I just wanted HIM to be pleased...and He was.

Thank you God for this opportunity to love you, and to show people that I love you.

When I first found out about this gig I was nervous because I did not know what the audience or the atmosphere would be like. Stix and I don't really play the traditional "gospel" sound, but we are more simple, pure, uncomplicated worship. We don't try to dazzle with rhyming words and stanzas that fit perfected together. Our words are worship from our very hearts. We just want to pour ourselves out in front of God, and last night we did. The only difference was there were people present to observe it.I am so thankful for that opportunity.

I am thankful that Carolyn asked up to play. It was her 50th birthday celebration and all she wanted to focused everyones attention on God. What an amazing and humble heart.

Oh yea, so Demetrus Stewart was there! Demetrus is one of the founders of MSK (remember I told you a bit about them...). She looked pleased. She gave of a look like...ya'll are really ministering. She really doesn't know how MSK has impacted my life. I hope that she knows her efforts have impacted my life and the lives of those connected to me. Last night that look made me think that she may have realized that. Then she got up and sang and when she walked up Stix and I were kinda cheering (for you all who know me...I just really sang that word..."cheeerrriinng" lol) whoooo, anyway, she gave us this look like..."stop clapping.'' It was sooo funny. AND she sang the MESS outta her song.

After we left we could NOT stop laughing and smiling and talking about it. Most of all we couldn't stop thanking GOD!!!!! ahhhh I love Him. This was for Him. I can't wait to do it all over again.

Tamara (a true spiritual mentor of mine...thank God) kept asking us how are we gonna end our songs. You see, Stix and I have a problem with finding endings and then remembering them. SO we actually DID figure out an ending, but didn't really do it LOL. SO to Ms. Tamara, yes, we had endings...but dude...we just didn't use them. LMBO

Okay...last thing. When we were driving home we saw a sign that said 65 N, which was the interstate we needed to get home. Tell ME why we were going to wrong way and didn't realize it until we were pretty much in ALABAMA. Help us today Lord! :) I had to be at work the next morning and was WAY WAY to tired for that. But hey...what can you do but laugh?? And then this Land Rover would NOT stop shining his high beams all up IN my mirrors. But our night was STILL awesome.

Thank you GOD!!

Word of the day: THANKFUL!!

Humility, Gratefulness, Love,

CaLl Me JeL

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gigs and birds and honesty

This should be short because my band had a gig tonight...and I needs to be gettin ready, cuz my hair is not done and I look a tired mess. But anywayz...

I was driving home and I was at a red light and I looked over to my left and saw two birds. They were doin what the birds (not the birds and the bees...JUST the birds) do; chillin, relaxin, knowing that they will have all that they need. Question: Do you see birds walkin the floor and wondering how they're gonna feed their family? NOPE

So why do we?

Do we not have the best promise ever?!! God will never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Because of this we know that there is nothing we will EVER go through without God. Luke 12:6-7 tells us that we are of more value that the birds...and THEY ain't stressin.

So while I'm stressin about graduation (did I tell you I'm graduating from college? No? Oh yea, on Saturday), stressin about bills, stressin about whatever insecurities I may have...God is with me. God won't leave me.

My Prayer:
God help me to believe EVERYTHING that you say
Help me to understand that I must be broken
So that you can build me up
And in that process my faith is reaching new heights
And our relationship is reaching new depths
I believe what you have promised me
I believe that you will never leave me
I believe that you will always provide for me
I believe that you will never let me go

Word of the day: Honesty

Why is it so hard to be honest sometimes? Especially with ourselves. It's okay to feel what we feel, as long as we take that to God. Allow God to rule over your emotions and feelings. It's okay to hurt, it's okay to be disappointed, it's okay to be in love, it's okay. I have stopped pretending to be who others want me to be because I'm not living for them. I am who God created me to be...and if that is not cool with you please feel free to take it up with the Father. I will be honest with myself about who I am, and I will be honest with you. My name is Anjelica...nice to meet you.


Truth, Peace, Love,

CalL mE jEl

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

soo...Qu'est-ce qu'on dit dans un blog???

What does one say in a blog? Hmm...well let us start with today;

I woke up every single hour last joke. I went to bed at 12, woke up at 1:04, 2:16, and then every consecutive hour until 6am when I got up. My never-ending night crept by in slow motion so today...yup, i'm tired.

I have a sound check today for my band. Did I tell you that I was in a band? blU21 is our name. It consists of my roomie (stix) and I. Just guitar and vocals. Simple worship is what we're about. I just bought an electric guitar to add to our sound, but at the moment it doesn't seem to fit. Our acoustic sound is so soft...perfect for intimate worship with the Father.

I'm sure you have figured out by now...I'm in love with God. I love him more each day. I can't imagine not being able to talk to him. I can be very...(whats the word?), veiled at times so being able to talk to my heavenly Father guards my sanity daily.

So okay yea...sound check..blU21. This is going to be our first "real" performance. We performed for a group of ladies (MSK!!), but they knew us personally, AND it wasn't an original song. Nervous? Yup. Excited? Yup. I can't wait. Since I found out about this I just keep saying to myself..."okay Anjelica, lets be cool. You're not playing for them, your playing for God. Be open and listen to what He wants to do." I'm tryin okay? It's not easy.

Word of the day: Trust Trust is something that is so hard to gain and so easy to lose right? I'm not sure if I agree with this. When we chose to trust someone, why do we just assume that they'll be perfect and uphold your every expectation? And when they don't, they've descended one notch in our trust-o-meter. What if we realized that people were just people with imperfections just like us, and we allow them to make mistakes without keeping tally marks of permanent infractions on their record? What if God did not cast our sins into a sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19) and held every mistake against a measure of condemnation and punishment?

Kept By Mercy,

CaLl mE jEl