Friday, May 8, 2009

Blu21: Gig.1

Okay, so by the title I'm sure you've guessed the topic of this blog. Yup..our first gig.

Now we've played for people before, but it was for friends/family/people we knew. Our first first time playing in front of a group of people was at a My Sister's Keeper (an awesome ministry by the way) event. This time was different; we didn't know the people in front of whom we were playing.We weren't too nervous...although we did have our moments. We kepts saying this is for God...we are not playing to impress people, although you still want people to enjoy it.

When we first got up there Stix started talkin in the mic while I set up. I was impressed. She was simply saying how Blu21 is about simple, pure worship. One thing she said that I loved was whether or not we are asked to perform, we will still perform for God in our apartment as we've been doing.

You betta say that STIX!!

We played God I Love You and it was pretty darn awesome. Then we finished the first song and it was my turn to talk. I basically just talked about what it means to be broken before God. I said that my prayer was that God breaks me and empties me so that He can make me again and fill me so that I can fulfill His purpose for my life (Psalm 51:17). Then we began to play Broken. For me and Stix, last night was so much fun, but it was also a worship experience. We got a chance to show God how we love Him in the form of public worship.

My prayer before getting on the platform was that I forget who was there and remember God. I was singing for Him. I wanted HIM to break and and make me whole again. I wanted HIM to heal a damaged heart. I just wanted HIM to be pleased...and He was.

Thank you God for this opportunity to love you, and to show people that I love you.

When I first found out about this gig I was nervous because I did not know what the audience or the atmosphere would be like. Stix and I don't really play the traditional "gospel" sound, but we are more simple, pure, uncomplicated worship. We don't try to dazzle with rhyming words and stanzas that fit perfected together. Our words are worship from our very hearts. We just want to pour ourselves out in front of God, and last night we did. The only difference was there were people present to observe it.I am so thankful for that opportunity.

I am thankful that Carolyn asked up to play. It was her 50th birthday celebration and all she wanted to focused everyones attention on God. What an amazing and humble heart.

Oh yea, so Demetrus Stewart was there! Demetrus is one of the founders of MSK (remember I told you a bit about them...). She looked pleased. She gave of a look like...ya'll are really ministering. She really doesn't know how MSK has impacted my life. I hope that she knows her efforts have impacted my life and the lives of those connected to me. Last night that look made me think that she may have realized that. Then she got up and sang and when she walked up Stix and I were kinda cheering (for you all who know me...I just really sang that word..."cheeerrriinng" lol) whoooo, anyway, she gave us this look like..."stop clapping.'' It was sooo funny. AND she sang the MESS outta her song.

After we left we could NOT stop laughing and smiling and talking about it. Most of all we couldn't stop thanking GOD!!!!! ahhhh I love Him. This was for Him. I can't wait to do it all over again.

Tamara (a true spiritual mentor of mine...thank God) kept asking us how are we gonna end our songs. You see, Stix and I have a problem with finding endings and then remembering them. SO we actually DID figure out an ending, but didn't really do it LOL. SO to Ms. Tamara, yes, we had endings...but dude...we just didn't use them. LMBO

Okay...last thing. When we were driving home we saw a sign that said 65 N, which was the interstate we needed to get home. Tell ME why we were going to wrong way and didn't realize it until we were pretty much in ALABAMA. Help us today Lord! :) I had to be at work the next morning and was WAY WAY to tired for that. But hey...what can you do but laugh?? And then this Land Rover would NOT stop shining his high beams all up IN my mirrors. But our night was STILL awesome.

Thank you GOD!!

Word of the day: THANKFUL!!

Humility, Gratefulness, Love,

CaLl Me JeL


  1. lol... We did use our endings... Just not the way we practiced at home!!! Great blog though!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT PICTURE... YOU KNOW THAT'S ABOUT TO BE MY FACEBOOK PIC RIGHT?! YEESSSS, BLU21!:)

  2. Great blog. I'm soooo glad it turned out so well! I hate I couldn't be there (stupid, stupid job). But I'm so glad that Lord was able to minister through Blu21. I'm SURE ya'll represented The King very well. Get ready for the Lord to bless you with MORE GIGS! YES!!!!

    Oh, and I LOVE the picture on this blog. VERY CREATIVE! LOVE IT!

