Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Prayer for 6.25.09

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day

Friday, June 19, 2009
All In A Day

Monday, June 15, 2009
A blog about nothing...really

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Everything in Worship
Back to the worship party:
We WORSHIPED. We said YES. Then I just began to cry. I'm talkin bout tears runnin down my face cryin. God is so amazing. He steps out of eternity to visit some young ladies in a little apartment and bless us with His presence. He is so awesome and loving. I need Him so much and I love it. I don't like to need people because its like it signals a weakness in me or something and it makes me uncomfortable...but my God I need you!! I can't breathe or think or love without you. I give you every part of me. EVERY part.
And you know what made last night even greater??? God blessed me with other young ladies with whom I could experience His presence. I have never been able to feel comfortable enough around people to the point where I can just let go and be completely transparent. I don't know if it is because I care what other people think or I just don't trust other people with personal things that are close to my heart. As of lately I've learned to trust God enough to allow myself to be transparent so that He can use me. I mean seriously, 6 months ago you would not know a personal THING about me, simply because I have made being guarded into an art. I'm talkin bout I have know people my entire life that really don't know much about me. Growing up, there are things that I have never told a soul, and only recently have I been able to share some of those things with my best girls (whit and stix). But don't you know that if you trust God with all of you, things begin to shift and you are made to be more like Him everyday?? GLORY GOD!! God has really done a work in me AND placed the right people in my life at the right time. Last night I can say I did not even think to cover up what I was feeling. I allowed my tears to flow. I allowed my heart to be as God's heart. I was His and He was mine. That's what I want for BLU21. I want to be able to worship with restraint no matter who is there. God deserves that.
I really wish that I could explain to you in words how it feels to be completely wrapped up in God. To not think of another thing but how good He is and how much I need Him. To not worry about anything going on in my life because He is bigger than everything else put together times 2. How if this was my very last day on earth, I'd want to use it to glorify God and be in His perfect will, so that others would see how great He is and begin to love Him more than anything (Matthew 5:16-17). But I can't. I can't worship for anyone else. I can't explain to you how it feels when He fills me and encompasses me. So if you cannot relate to what I am saying and you want to, go to God. Ask Him to show Himself to you as you are transparent and honest before Him. He wants to you to know how it feels. He wants you to hear from Him.
I find everything I have ever needed and ever wanted in worship.
I see God in worship and that is where I find myself.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It's been a minute
Well, God has blessed me with some pretty awesome new friends. I've written about them before: Sabrina and Melissa. The past couple of days I've gotten the chance to hang pretty tight with them. Let's

After patrolling the town for a bit and observing the classy attendees of the Gucci Mane concert dressed in supreme haute couture, we went to eat at Cafe Cocoa. I had this like...chicken salad wrapped in a tortilla with honey mustard and some other stuff. It was freaking awesome!! I could kinda use one right now...I wonder if they're open this early in the morning..hmm
So yea, we called it a night. THEN I believe it was like two nights ago...we watched a Tye Tribbet DVD...all I can say is if you don't know about Tye Tribbet...get to know. Sabrina then proceeded to give me a great present...we watched a Cece Winans VHS!!! You know...I have got to break this fascination with Cece Winans. There is no logical reason why watching 15 year old clips of Cece brings me this much joy...is that healthy?? lol oh well..what can I say other than I love Cece. At the end of the tape were some Whitney Houston clips. OK, Cece clips are enough to make me happy for like 2.854 days, but Cece AND Whitney clips...I was overjoyed! lol. There was this performance of her singing My Name is Not Susan and it was amazing...it was like she really wanted you know...her name is NOT susan/"so watch what you say/and if you still need her/then be on your way/don't wanna"...sorry, I'm really jammin right now ;)

We didn't end up going to bed until like...3am, so AJ Keezy and I spent the night. Ok...Sophie Bellevue has the cleanest room EVER. I slept in her room and took and blanket and pillow in there b/c I didn't want to mess up her perfect sheets!! LOL Seriously...who keeps their room THAT clean? I mean, my room is far from dirty, but still...THAT was the cleanest bedroom of anyone under 70 that I've EVER seen. Good job Sophie...one day i'm gonna be like her...one day...
BLU21 Update:
So after our last gig (which went pretty well), we didn't have another one lined up. So I'm like...we need to get busy, but the thing about it was we weren't really rehearsing either. At first Stix and I would just play in our apt. for fun and just to worship, then we started getting requests to perform and it seemed like once we the requests started, we rehearsed less. Well, I have turned a corner. I am more excited than ever about BLU21. I mean I was excited before just to be in a band, but now I'm excited for what God is wanting to do with us. We stopped by Sister Kitty's office yesterday after intercessory prayer (which I will have to tell you about) and she was tellin us how excited she was th

Like oil upon your feet
Like Wine for you to drink
Like water from my heart
I pour my love on you
With praises like perfume
I lavish mine on you
Till every drop is gone
I pour my love on you
I CANNOT wait...so, now that BLU21 is reaching new levels in worship and continues to develop, please continue to pray for us.
Time: Tuesday, 12 noon
Place: Born Again Church
What: Intercessory Prayer
Attendees: 3!!
Ya'll, Stix and I went to intercessory prayer yesterday (which I am going to do at least one a week now...hopefully...i'll try) and we walked in to no lights in the sanctuary and no people in the sanctuary. I was like...ok, well, let's just go pray. We prayed for about an hour and let me tell you...at first I was like...there isn't even anyone here to lead prayer, what is this??!!...but like 5 minutes into praying y'all I had tears runnin down my face and I was totally enveloped in the glory of God. I couldn't even lift my head. It feels sooo good to spend time with Him and to cast everything on Him, and then to listen to what He wants you to pray for and know that He is sending angels to that very person you're praying for. I love my time with God. I was actually glad that there was nobody there and no one leading because that day, I didn't want to hear anyone else but God.
Ok, well I guess that's about it. I will update you on my "Jamaican Testimony" on my next blog, so until then...
CalL mE jeL
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

(This here spider wasn't the EXACT spider we saw...but it looks JUST like it. I swear to you...I am NOT exaggerating!!! I know you don't believe me but hey, it's the truth).