Genesis 5:20-24
When Jared had lived 162 years, he became the father of Enoch. And after he became the father of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Jared lived 962 years, and then he died. When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
I have my favorites in the bible. I love Joseph. I love Mary Magdalene. Actually, I identify more with Mary M. than any other person in the bible. I mean, think about it, she worshipped God beyond what others thought, she worshipped God through her pain and tears. She worshipped God beyond everything she felt, and gave EVERYTHING to him; washed His feet with her tears man! She brought everything to Him. And He forgave her not because she deserved it by what she had done, but because she surrendered everything, gave up everything, to worship. (Luke 7)
But, Enoch is the most fascinating person in the Bible to me. I wish there was more written about him. Just this short passage in Genesis, plus one in Hebrews: By faith, Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God (Hebrews 11:5), and a few of his wise words were revisited in Jude.
I read a book called the Secret Place (see earlier blog), and it introduced me to Enoch. He walked with God. I'm not talkin like...he spoke to God every once in a while, or even he sought Him often. This man WALKED with God. God knew Him, and he knew God. This man knew God so much that he didn't die like regular people (lol), God straight up took him so he would not experience death. He was so tight with God that he didn't even have to die, AFTER living 365 years on earth. Hebrews phrases Enoch's departure from this earth in such a way that I draw this magnificent mental picture:
Enoch was just walking with God, talking with God, and God was talking and walking with Enoch. They talked as they walked into the horizon full of brilliant colors like red and blue and yellow. Enoch had no idea where he was going, all that he knew is that he was with God, and God was with him, and he trusted God to lead him where ever they were going. They walked past streams and flowers that had beauty that could not be captured by photo or drawing, or even description. They walked into a horizon that led straight up to heaven, where Enoch is right now, STILL walking and talking with God.
What were his walks with God like?
Did he simply find a quiet place to sit and talk to God, and listen for His voice? Did God interrupt him during the day to chat? Did Enoch see God, as me or you might see one another? Could Enoch reach out and touch God? What did they talk about? What led Enoch to draw so close to God? What led God to choose Enoch to draw so close to? Which leads me to my next question...
Does not God desire to be this close with all of us?
And then to my next question...
Did Enoch miss anything here on earth?
When I think of what Enoch must have been like, I HAVE to smile. I believe that Enoch loved God so much, that if he never anything of this earth again, that would be ok, because all he wanted was to be with God. Most of us seek God for His revelations and power, and there is nothing wrong with that. God wants to reveal to us things from His well of revelation and give us power to do amazing things on this earth. But Enoch? I believe that he wanted past knowledge and revelation, He wanted God. He valued the things of God, but he wanted God himself. I'm positive God revealed things to Enoch about which others had no clue, but Enoch was not satisfied with just that knowledge, he wanted more. He wanted God. He wanted His face.
If I were given the opportunity by God to leave this earth today, right now, without notice to my friends or family, without a chance to perform with BLU21 in front of thousands of youth worshipping God, without walking across a stage to receive my doctorate, without saying "I do", without seeing the face of my first child, would I go? Would I give up everything on this earth for God? Yes, because even though God can bless me right now with my every desire and put me in a place where I would never want for anything, the answer is yes. I won't just have the things and physical manifestations of God, I'd have God.
I want to walk with God like Enoch walked with God, and by faith, be taken up with God.
I dream of one day walking with God as Enoch did. Just chillin with God, and loving Him so much and trusting Him so much that I just walked and walked, "and was with God, and was no more."
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